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November  15. 2010

    Starting a new life always makes me feel nervous because I'm afraid that my relationship with others will be bad. Actually, I worried too much.  So far, my high school life has been pretty colorful and I really enjoy it.

     Two months ago, I entered Kaohsiung Girls' High School. At first, I was too anxious to do anything well. I tried my best, since I wanted to be a good student in every part, though I knew it was impossible. As a result, what I had done was all terrible. For instance, I wanted to get good grades on every subject, so I studied hard. But, the test scores seemed to show that all of my effort was useless, just because I was greedy to be perfect.  Through this painful experience, I started to make a daily schedule to help myself do everything more easily.

     In these two months, I am glad to join many activities at school with new friends, including finishing academic reports, attending the amazing ceremony, and celebrating somebody's birthday. We danced, sang, laughed, and cried together. These are all important memories to me, among which I enjoy the most is the celebration of my birthday. My classmates not only sang songs on the field but also surprised me by a simple party in the classroom. At first, all I expected was just a short word "Happy Birthday!"  I had never thought my classmates would hold a special program for me. I will cherish it in my heart forever and ever. 

    The life in senior high school may be hard to face in some parts, but there are also many valuable ones. I believe now, never be afraid to start a new life, and then I'll certainly discover some pleasure in it, just like what I have got here.

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Unit 108 Reading

December 22

It has been so long since the last time I wrote, because I’ve been too busy to update my blog. I guess I’m still getting used to being a freshman in high school. I never thought that the workload would be so heavy. I mean, I knew I would have to study a lot of different subjects, including Chinese, math, and geography (English is my favorite :.) ), but I never thought I would have so much homework every night. And the tests please don’t mention the tests! : ( I have midterms next week, so I won’t be blogging again for a while after this.

Today was another typical busy day: out of the door by 7 (no time for breakfast), school until 5, and then cram school till 10. When I got home, my parents wanted me to study some more. >_< I know they love me and just want me to go to a good college someday. And I know I have been given so much by them. But sometimes I wish they would just give me a chance to relax and do what I want to do. For example, I miss playing the guitar. It is sad that I haven’t played my guitar for such a long time. Plus, I still haven’t made any friends at school. Maybe my classmates are busy, too, or maybe I’m just too shy to talk to them. I guess I’m a loner, since I don’t really try to talk to anyone else at school. So, it is not surprising that I spend most of my time at school by myself.

Thank goodness for my blog. Even though I’m busy and tired, I always feel better after I write something in my blog. So, thank you for visiting I’ll keep on writing as long as you keep on reading. : )

Posted By Momo at 23:07:31

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